It’s Not About The Destination It’s About The Journey

May 2, 2022
Posted in journey
May 2, 2022 Terkel

What does the quote “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey” mean to you?

To help inspire you with the quote “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey,” we asked CEOs and thought leaders this question for their best insights. From feeling the journey is what makes us to suggesting the journey helps you build momentum, there are several opinions that may offer you the inspiration to keep striving toward your goals.

Here are eight opinions offered about the quote “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey” :

  • The Journey is What Makes Us
  • The Best Memories Come From Working Toward Your Goals
  • The Journey Add Value To Our Life
  • Being Present and Enjoying The ‘Now’
  • We Only Have Today’s Journey
  • Journeying To Your Purpose
  • The Journey Presents Lessons From Challenges and Opportunities
  • The Journey Helps You Build Momentum

It's Not About The Destination It's About The Journey

The Journey is What Makes Us

The journey is what makes us the person we are today. While the destination is the end goal, it’s how we get there that builds our self-esteem and teaches us lessons to thrive once we get to the destination. Embrace the challenges and hardships, as those make us stronger at the end of the day. Be present and take each day as it comes.

Jodi Neuhauser, Ovaterra


The Best Memories Come From Working Toward Your Goals

The destination is the finish line. That’s the achievement. You’ll get one or more great memories from that, but most of your fond memories come out of the journey. When you’re pursuing your goal and doing so alongside people you like and respect, that’s what you’ll look back on the most. Ask any professional or college athlete who won a championship and they will tell you that their best memories come from the moments that led them to that final victory. You appreciate the growth you experienced while on the road to victory as much as the victory itself.

Joel Jackson, Lifeforce


The Journey Adds Value To Our Life

I’ve always thought reaching your goals feels better when you work hard to reach them. Sometimes when you get things handed to you, you don’t seem to value them as much. However, when you’ve gone through several steps to achieve your goals these steps can teach you more about life than the goal itself. In essence, reaching your goal is a by-product of the journey. For example, getting an A on a test means that you studied hard for it and learned all the information necessary to pass it. This is what matters, and passing the test is just proof of the journey.

Rich Rudzinski, Drivey


Being Present and Enjoying The ‘Now’

To me, this quote is all about learning to enjoy the ‘now’, and focusing on what you can be grateful for and control in the present. We often struggle to take a step back and look at how far we’ve come, rather than always striving to do more or to get to the next step. Learning to enjoy the journey is all about being grateful for what you have in the present, and recognising how far you’ve come on your journey at the present moment in time.

James Parkinson, Personnel Checks


We Only Have Today’s Journey

The journey, everything that falls within our day-to-day activities, thoughts, emotions, learning, and interactions, is where we find the marrow of life, not at an arbitrary finish line of any manner of accomplishments. When we get overly wrapped up in the daily grind, we can miss out on the joys of connecting with others, honoring how far we’ve already come, and making meaningful memories along the path of our life experiences. 

Hustle culture tries to convince us that all hours should be productive and our activities must amount to a certain measure of achievement in aggregate. While productivity and achievement are not inherently ‘bad’, any good thing can become toxic to our happiness and well-being on either extreme of the spectrum. As we mark our milestones and achieve all we’ve set out to do, looking back we may be surprised to find that all along, our joy is more often found in the peaks and valleys of life rather than at the destination.

Tommy Chang, Homelister


Journeying To Your Purpose

Life is a never-ending journey. I find myself talking with people of all ages who are trying to find their place in our world. And our conversations always bring me back to poet Emily Dickenson who wrote, “I am out with lanterns, looking for myself.” Her words resonate deeply with me as my journey has been full of twists and turns. But a long time ago, I found that letting go of people’s expectations of you is the first step to finding your wildly authentic self. I’ve worn many hats: journalist, activist, sister, daughter, wife, and mother.

Now in my 60s, I don the cap of entrepreneur, helping people create a mindstyle lifestyle. No matter your age, you must always be asking yourself, “Who am I going to be?” It makes life exciting and can also lead to an awakening. It takes time to find your sense of passion and purpose. But if you’re brave enough to embark on a journey of self-discovery, sharing what you learn along the way lets your lantern shine a light for your fellow travelers.

Maria Shriver, MOSH


The Journey Presents Lessons From Challenges and Opportunities

For business leaders, the journey presents challenges and opportunities. Both are valuable as each presents new ways of growing business and overcoming setbacks. This makes us strong, resilient leaders and helps us innovate solutions that we would not have considered if the journey did not present us with these new insights to explore.  It was unfathomable that the world would be disrupted by a global pandemic. 

This hurt the tourism sector in Ireland and presented us with many challenges to overcome. The grit and persistence required to build strong business leaders kicked in during the pandemic and without a doubt, this journey led to greater innovation. We are now looking forward to a healthy rebound and the journey remains optimistic.

Struan Baird, Luxury Scotland Tours


The Journey Helps You Build Momentum

Who you become as a leader in the process of growing your business is determined by how you respond to opportunities and experiences along the way. It is the journey that helps us to build momentum as leaders to produce inspiring results. It is also the journey in life and how we deal with situations and life’s lessons that make us leaders or followers. The journey is more important than the destination because what matters the most are the adventures we have, the people we meet and the opportunities we seize along the way to success.

Curran Van Waarde, CallScaler



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