How To Become a Concert Photographer: 3 Tips

March 22, 2022

How can someone can become a concert photographer for Greta Van Fleet, or another artist?

To help you become a concert photographer, we asked business leaders and photography professionals this question for their best tips. From building an online presence to constantly updating your portfolio, there are several tips that may help you land a job as a concert photographer in the future.

Here are three tips on becoming a concert photographer:

  • Build An Online Presence
  • Join a Local Photography Club
  • Create a Portfolio, Update It Constantly & Work Hard

Build An Online Presence

The best way for you to become a concert photographer for large name artists is to start building out your online presence. Showcase your work on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok. You can start small by offering to photograph smaller artists at local shows and show on social media the kind of work you are capable of. This way you can have an online portfolio to eventually pitch to these artists and their managers, or your presence online and your work can flat out attract artists as well.

Brandon Brown, GRIN

Join a Local Photography Club

Here’s a tip I’ve learned from experience! Because of journalist license requirements, it isn’t easy to attend concerts as a photographer. However, some groups receive permits: local communities and student organizations. A student photography club internship or joining a local photography group can open the door for concert photography. It’s how I took pictures at a Mela Koteluk (one of our pop stars) concert in Cracow.

Karolina Zajac, Passport Photo Online

Create a Portfolio, Update It Constantly & Work Hard

There are always opportunities, especially now that the pandemic is waning and concert season is revving up again, to photograph live bands that are performing. Start off small and get as many action photos as possible of a band and select the best shots. Post those shots online, use hashtags, and get as much feedback and exposure as possible. Start off with small shows and try to incorporate some bigger shows, if possible. Assemble a portfolio and start your marketing assault.

If there is a particular artist you want to work with, find out through management who to send your images to. There are classic rock magazines still around, so go ahead and submit your best images to those publications. The more exposure, the better. Keep updating your portfolio and keep showing it off to the right people. Take advantage of every chance that is offered, no matter how small. Eventually, you’ll land the gig you want.

Alan Ahdoot, Adamson Ahdoot Law

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