Why Are You Passionate About Healthcare?

December 4, 2023
December 4, 2023 Terkel

Why Are You Passionate About Healthcare?

From the compassionate insights of a licensed insurance agent to the reflective wisdom of a counselor, we explore the heartfelt motivations behind five healthcare professionals’ dedication to their field. Spanning from personal health advocacy inspiring a career to enhancing quality of life through healthcare, these stories illuminate the diverse reasons why individuals are passionate about healthcare.

  • Personal Health Advocacy Inspiring a Career
  • Holistic Healthcare Transforming Lives
  • Healthcare Becoming a Pillar for Growth
  • Alleviating Suffering as Life’s Mission
  • Enhancing Quality of Life Through Healthcare

Personal Health Advocacy Inspiring a Career

I am passionate about healthcare because I am a living example of how helpful it is to see your primary care doctor regularly to maintain your health. Thanks to her care through regularly scheduled checkups and an annual exam, I have been able to keep my blood pressure and cholesterol under control.

My success in advocating for my health by pursuing healthcare is one reason I took a position with a digital media company providing insurance content to consumers.

I recently became even more passionate about healthcare when I caught the latest and highly contagious variant of COVID, and complications led to my sodium level decreasing to a dangerously low point. I am grateful that I had quick and easy access to an e-clinic through my pharmacy and a virtual visit with an RN through my insurance company, which led me to the emergency room to get the treatment I desperately needed.

Michelle RobbinsMichelle Robbins
Licensed Insurance Agent, Clearsurance.com

Holistic Healthcare Transforming Lives

I’m fueled by a passion for healthcare because it’s where we touch the entire person. Genuine healthcare, in its holistic essence, has the power to positively transform lives, both in body and mind.

As a physician, connecting with individuals on such an intimate level and serving them holistically is an honor. In today’s corporatized healthcare landscape, it’s crucial for frontline practitioners to reclaim the original intent of healthcare—caring for the whole patient, not just as transactions but as human beings. The ability to witness concrete transformations in this space makes every step of the journey profoundly meaningful.

Elisha Peterson MD MEd FAAP FASA
Elisha Peterson MD, MEd, FAAP,  FASA, Anesthesiologist and Pain Medicine Physician, Elisha Peterson MD PLLC

Healthcare Becoming a Pillar for Growth

As a life coach, I believe healthcare goes beyond mere healing; it’s an essential pillar for personal growth and empowerment. It’s about understanding and nurturing the mind-body connection, which is essential for anyone aiming to reach their full potential. In my coaching, I integrate principles of mental health and well-being, helping individuals recognize how physical health impacts their mental resilience and emotional stability.

This holistic approach is vital in developing self-awareness and coping strategies, which are key to navigating one’s life’s challenges more effectively. By prioritizing healthcare, we’re not just taking care of our bodies; we’re cultivating a foundation for a richer, more fulfilled life.

Bayu PrihanditoBayu Prihandito
Certified Psychology Expert, Life Coach, Founder, Life Architekture

Alleviating Suffering as Life’s Mission

For me, it is a mission in the world of healthcare, which I perceive as a passion for relieving suffering.

Healthcare has got to be a significant difference-maker for me. Alleviating pain, improving health, and making people’s lives better is not just a job, but an attitude and the meaning of my whole life’s work that makes me proud.

The human connection is actually the core, and what entails forming friendships while ensuring that people understand their separate requirements and caring for them personally. It may sound like I’m making too big a deal out of it, but to me, it’s almost a godsend, seeing all the positive changes in someone’s life, their health improving, spirits rising, and the essence of that person’s nature transforming.

To be a member of the healthcare community is more than a title; it is about improving the lives of the people that I will serve. I take this duty with great pride and commitment, each day offering a new chance to make a significant impact.

Alma CurryAlma Curry
Author, Meridian Fitness – Health Club & Spa

Enhancing Quality of Life Through Healthcare

Helping people improve their quality of life is my passion. My passion for healthcare is rooted in its ability to help people lead more fulfilling lives. When an individual is mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy, they can pursue their goals and become their best selves.

As a clinical counselor, my work focuses on mental health, and I find it rewarding that providing mental healthcare can help people with mental health problems function well each day and overcome challenges.

Linda WhitesideLinda Whiteside
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, NuView Treatment Center

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