Soubhik Chakrabarti, CEO, Canada Hustle

September 23, 2024
September 23, 2024 Terkel

This interview is with Soubhik Chakrabarti, CEO at Canada Hustle.

Soubhik Chakrabarti, CEO, Canada Hustle

Welcome, Soubhik!  Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your journey to becoming an expert in travel?

I’m an avid traveler, and my passion brought me to the vibrant traveling profession. I have traveled to the best Canadian destinations and some European countries, exploring exciting hikes and incredible campgrounds. Later, I realized that sharing my experiences could be a great idea to tell my travel stories to the world, providing them with essential travel tips and hacks. Understanding the potential of digital marketing, I first educated myself with the best marketing courses and used them to build my website to offer valuable services to other travelers. Our platform focuses on delivering self-guided travel tours to our customers. I use my experience to design travel solutions for customers, providing them with the best tour experiences across Canada.

What were some of the pivotal moments in your travel experiences that solidified your passion and expertise?

I remember my first travel journey to Banff National Park in Alberta, when I explored the Canadian Rockies during summer. The turquoise glacier lakes and beautiful sceneries mesmerized me. Discovering the grizzly bears and enjoying river rafting made my experience memorable. Another noteworthy experience was visiting the Butchart Gardens in Victoria, BC. I’d heard a lot about the stories of this charming garden where visitors could enjoy world-renowned evening tea and dinner experiences. I visited it during Christmas and adored the heartwarming celebrations through musical performances and carols. With so many exciting places on my bucket list, I spent most of my vacations discovering the beauty of the Canadian landscape. This experience taught me to use my expertise to design a travel portal that could assist travelers with a hassle-free journey. I utilized my travel experience and designed services with proper guidelines about different destinations. It is the transitional process of a travel enthusiast into a travel expert.

You mentioned using a detailed travel checklist template. Could you share a few key components of your template that have been game-changers for your trips?

I always create my travel checklist template in a step-by-step format. First, I try to find the ideal time to visit a place. An early selection of dates helps you plan your journey regarding the best time to see a particular place. It also helps you to manage your responsibilities according to the schedule. Next, I set a realistic budget, considering all the necessary expenses during my journey. It varies from destination to destination and the type of transportation. For example, traveling abroad requires extra expenses on visas and other charges. Third, I check my passport, visa, vaccination cards, travel insurance, clothing, and other necessities regarding the destination. For instance, if I plan a camping journey, my requirements would be different from any sightseeing activity. Finally, I always pack essential amenities like my neck pillow and avocado seeds to supply proper energy during long flights, and I follow sustainable travel packing tips.

In your experience, how has learning key phrases in the local language enhanced your travel experiences, and what advice would you give to someone hesitant about language barriers?

Learning key phrases in the local language helps a lot. It builds a friendly connection with the people in new landscapes. You usually surprise them by speaking (though in a broken accent) in their language, and they always appreciate your efforts. I remember my last visit to Paris, France, where I displayed my language skills by speaking some key phrases in French, like ‘Bonjour,’ ‘Merci,’ ‘De rien,’ and ‘Au revoir,’ with French locals, hotel employees, and vendors. It made me comfortable throughout the journey, and I tried to learn a few more words in French. For anyone hesitant about language barriers, I’d suggest using language apps like Duolingo, Babbel, and others. These apps help you make your communication effective, and you won’t feel like a complete foreigner in a different land.

You emphasized the importance of travel insurance. Could you share a specific instance where travel insurance proved invaluable during your adventures, beyond your experience with food poisoning?

I remember my journey to India, where I had to catch a long flight from New Delhi to Toronto upon returning. The 15-hour flight was scheduled to depart on time from New Delhi. Unfortunately, due to poor weather conditions, my flight was delayed and then canceled. My travel insurance with cancellation coverage helped in such circumstances and refunded my flight expenses.

Many travelers struggle with packing light. What are your top tips for packing efficiently while still being prepared for the unexpected?

I follow these effective strategies to pack light while being prepared for the unexpected:

• I start with the packing list, avoiding unnecessary items that could burden the trip.

• Selecting versatile clothing helps you carry only important outfits that can be used in a multipurpose way, like a light jacket that works both for summer and winter.

• Packing multipurpose items, like a jacket with multiple pockets, can be used to carry important documents and gadgets.

• I also use packing cubes to organize toiletries, clothing, and accessories separately. They save a lot of space.

• I’d advise travelers to pack a small, foldable bag inside their suitcase that is useful for carrying unexpected purchases on the way back.

Beyond your neck pillow, what’s one travel hack or gadget you’ve discovered that has significantly improved your travel experiences?

Noise-canceling headphones work wonders when I want solace in crowded places like airports or town centers. They create personal pockets of quiet space where I can relieve my stress. These headphones also help me deal with noise fatigue when I have to board long flights and deal with constant noise, which is pretty rough.

You’ve traveled extensively. What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned from your experiences with different cultures that you carry with you?

I have learned to respect people of different cultures and traditions. Every person has their beliefs and certain duties that they follow. I must understand their importance and value them. Another thing I have learned is to acknowledge and conserve wildlife.

If you could give one piece of advice to aspiring travelers looking to pursue their passion for exploring the world, what would it be?

Never let your job be the prime constraint in exploring this beautiful world. Spare some time and travel as frequently as possible without any guilt.