Why Are You Passionate About the Defense Industry?

August 13, 2024
August 13, 2024 Terkel

Why Are You Passionate About the Defense Industry?

To understand the driving forces behind a career in the defense industry, we asked industry leaders for their personal insights. From safeguarding freedoms and liberties to innovating for public safety and defense, here are the top four reasons these professionals shared on why they are passionate about the defense industry.

  • Safeguarding Freedoms and Liberties
  • Supporting Armed Forces Innovation
  • Ensuring Steady Workflow for Contractors
  • Innovating for Public Safety and Defense

Safeguarding Freedoms and Liberties

For me, it’s about more than just protecting data; it’s about safeguarding the freedoms and liberties that underpin our digital lives.

The defense industry plays a crucial role in maintaining global stability and security. It’s about ensuring that individuals and organizations can operate freely online without fear of censorship, surveillance, or cyberattacks. It’s about protecting the democratic values that allow us to express ourselves, connect with others, and conduct business globally.

I’m passionate about this industry because I believe that the tools and technologies we create can empower individuals and organizations to defend their rights, protect their privacy, and navigate the digital world with confidence and peace of mind.

Michael GargiuloMichael Gargiulo
Founder, CEO, VPN.com

Supporting Armed Forces Innovation

I have always been fascinated by the defense industry’s relentless pursuit of technological innovation and its crucial role in safeguarding national security. It is truly exciting to see cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and cyber warfare converge within the defense sector.

What truly ignites my passion, however, is the defense industry’s unwavering commitment to protecting lives and upholding democratic values. The brave men and women who serve in our armed forces depend on the ingenuity and dedication of those working in the defense industry to provide them with the tools they need to succeed. This profound responsibility to support those who protect us all resonates deeply with me, and it’s why I’m incredibly passionate about the defense industry’s mission.

Chris YangChris Yang
Co-Founder, Coins Value

Ensuring Steady Workflow for Contractors

We are passionate about the defense industry because they provide steady work for our company. We are an industrial flooring contractor who installs epoxy floors in industrial environments. Many of the defense contractors we work for need heavy-duty floors with high compression strength and chemical resistance. The facilities for many defense contractors require these types of floors, which we appreciate because it keeps us in business and keeps steady workflow coming in for our manpower.

Jeff NealJeff Neal
Manager, Witmer Coatings

Innovating for Public Safety and Defense

The defense industry is considered the tip of the spear in terms of innovation and keeping our borders safe from threat. Less talked about, but just as exciting and important, is the tremendous white space for technology companies building for and around the DoD to consider state and local public safety applications. Whether it’s drone software for more precise firefighting, cybersecurity APIs that will enable local school districts to be less prone to ransomware, or AI to gather more efficient and effective police data, there are myriad opportunities for dual-use development that protects our country at every level.

Justin InsalacoJustin Insalaco
Strategic Adviser, Atlas One

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