Why Are You Passionate About Newspapers?

August 1, 2024
August 1, 2024 Terkel

Why Are You Passionate About Newspapers?

Delving into the enduring allure of the printed word, we’ve gathered insights from eight industry professionals, including Chief Editors and CEOs, to share their fervor for newspapers. From the societal backbone provided by local newspapers to the role of newspapers as trusted platforms for marketing, our experts reveal why this age-old medium remains a cornerstone of their passion.

  • Local Newspapers: Society’s Backbone
  • Historical Stability and Tactile Experience
  • Sentimental Value of Physical Newspapers
  • Newspapers as Historical Artifacts
  • Powerful Storytelling Shapes Public Opinion
  • Newspapers Embody History and Diversity
  • Newspapers Uphold High-Quality Journalism
  • Newspapers: Trusted Platforms for Marketing

Local Newspapers: Society’s Backbone

With a decade of experience in journalism, I am deeply passionate about newspapers. They play a crucial role in our society, especially in Indonesia, a diverse and expansive country where everyone is unique. This is why local newspapers are important as a backbone of credible information for the community.

So we have 13,000 islands, each with its unique culture and issues. Local newspapers are vital in disseminating factual, reliable news that resonates with the community.

Recently, I interviewed another local media outlet in Java, Jenggirat. We concluded that local newspapers are indispensable in sharing news that national outlets might overlook.

Local journalists understand the nuances of their communities, so we must curate relevant news.

Newspapers serve as a bridge, connecting people to their local governments with their social issues. Another vital purpose is providing a platform for voices that might otherwise go unheard.

Today, we see a transition where the internet and social media have changed how people consume news. The pros are that news is fast and easily accessible from their phones. The cons: we started to see misinformation spread rapidly online.

Newspapers should become the filter that serves credible news with quick information with technology implementation.

Our commitment to thorough reporting and community engagement underscores newspapers’ indispensable role in fostering informed and connected communities.

My passion for newspapers stems from their enduring impact on society, driving positive change and maintaining the fabric of our local and national identity.

Ar. Azlan ShahAr. Azlan Shah
Chief Editor, Gema Sumatra

Historical Stability and Tactile Experience

I am passionate about newspapers because they have been one of the most historically stable and accessible ways to get accurate news. I have to use the word “accurate” because, in this day and age, there’s Fox News and many online outlets, which skew the news with their own biases.

I remain grateful that newspapers are still around, and hopeful that they will continue to survive and thrive, even as we get more into the digital age, especially with AI.

The continued existence of high-caliber newspapers, like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The LA Times, is something I am very passionate about. Hopefully, all of them will continue to pay human reporters, instead of devolving and using AI—something we should all encourage and support.

Also, newspapers, like books, give readers a tactile experience, which digital news cannot emulate.

Deirdre NewmanDeirdre Newman
Founder and Editor, inter-TECH-ion

Sentimental Value of Physical Newspapers

I’m passionate about newspapers for sentimental reasons. The feel of the paper, the sound of turning pages, and the distinct smell evoke a deep sense of nostalgia for me. It reminds me of sitting at the breakfast table with my family, sharing stories and bonding over the day’s news. In an increasingly digital world, newspapers offer a tangible, physical connection to the news, which makes me view them as time machines.

Additionally, reading a physical newspaper encourages a slower, more deliberate pace. Unlike the rapid scroll of a news feed, newspapers invite you to take your time, savor the articles, and fully engage with the content. I appreciate this slower pace, as it often reminds me of a time before the hustle and bustle of modern life. Newspapers offer me a moment of calm and reflection when I feel more present in the here and now. That’s comforting.

Agata SzczepanekAgata Szczepanek
Career Expert & Community Manager, LiveCareer

Newspapers as Historical Artifacts

Newspapers are not just ink on paper; they are tangible artifacts that chronicle history. The crinkle of turning pages and the smell of newsprint forge a visceral connection with the news. Moreover, newspapers have unmatched longevity. Unlike digital media, newspapers are archived as historical documents, preserving the stories of our time for future generations.

Chris YangChris Yang
Co-Founder & CEO, Coins Value

Powerful Storytelling Shapes Public Opinion

My interest lies in their powerful storytelling and influence. Newspapers have been the bedrock of information dissemination for centuries, shaping public opinion and driving social change.

While digital media has evolved rapidly, the core principles of compelling storytelling and audience engagement remain the same. Newspapers serve as a timeless example of how to package information in a compelling way, reaching a mass audience with depth and nuance. This understanding of traditional media is invaluable in today’s digital landscape, where capturing and retaining audience attention is paramount.

Raviraj HegdeRaviraj Hegde
Svp of Growth & Sales, Donorbox

Newspapers Embody History and Diversity

I’m passionate because they represent a tangible connection to the world’s events, embodying the richness of history, culture, and the diversity of human experience in their pages. Newspapers hold a unique position in the media sector, combining rigorous journalism with the tactile joy of flipping through pages, each section offering a new perspective or insight. They serve as a daily record of humanity’s achievements, struggles, and evolving societal norms, providing a snapshot of the world’s state at any given moment.

Newspapers foster a sense of community and connection. Whether it’s a local paper highlighting community achievements or a national publication covering global events, they bring stories into our homes, igniting conversations and informing public opinion. This blend of reporting, storytelling, and community engagement is why I find newspapers so vital and captivating.

Kartik AhujaKartik Ahuja
Digital Marketer, kartikahuja.com

Newspapers Uphold High-Quality Journalism

In newspapers, I value the effort of quality journalism. Despite the many changes in information consumption and journalistic standards, newspapers are still associated with the bedrock of journalism, which maintains the highest ethical standards and high-quality reporting.

What I am passionate about in paper newspapers is the vision of a journalistic and editorial process that involves meticulous verification of facts, checking sources, and providing balanced coverage. Any mistakes in the printed edition are hard to forgive and impossible to correct, unlike online content. This makes the paper carry more authority and prestige than the digital screen.

Journalism in print newspapers demands more dedication and effort from writers. Here, standards, quality, and justified content are emphasized over speed and breaking news.

Nina PaczkaNina Paczka
Community Manager, MyPerfectResume

Newspapers: Trusted Platforms for Marketing

I find newspapers extremely valuable even today. They’re trusted by many, making them a great platform for various offline marketing activities, especially in sectors like finance, education, and health where trust is essential. Also, newspapers help reach demographics that are sometimes overlooked online, like older adults. This strategic use of newspapers plays a big part in building successful business relationships and driving sales.

Mohammed KamalMohammed Kamal
Business Development Manager, Olavivo

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